Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dancing Makes you Happy...Even if you Stink at Dancing!

My sister’s brother-in-law got married last weekend in Salt Lake, so my dear Watson and I spent the day in the  city helping out with the 5 kids. We really enjoyed ourselves, AND we were helpful.  We took the 5 kids to see the Christus on Temple Square and then while they went to the dinner we took a nap in their hotel room and headed to the Nauvoo Café (in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building) for our dinner. I ordered a ½ sandwich thinking it would be big enough; turns out, the bread was the size of a normal piece of bread so my half was a bit small (you’d think for 5 bucks they could give me bigger bread). The sandwich was very delicious though so I’d probably go back there and just pay for a whole. 

We walked over to the Lion House for the reception and saw a few “high-ups” in the Church (Relief Society and Primary General Presidency members).  I had a dessert crepe with mint white chocolate filling and berries. My dear Watson had a dinner crepe (still hungry from our tiny dinner) with pesto sauce….mmmmmmmm. Pesto is the best sauce in the world.

We spent the rest of the evening watching all my sisters nieces and nephews and kids dance the night away while listening to the tunes of the live band. I did some dancing too because I LOVE dancing (and I’m really good at it. Ha. Ha. Ha). It was so neat just to watch all the little ones let loose and have fun. Children are so simple. They could not have been happier, and it made me happy too.

We went bowling on Memorial Day.  My dear Watson did much much better than me—but at least I broke 80. 

It has been warmer the past few days. I didn’t even wear a jacket when I went grocery shopping last night! Today the clouds are gone and those hot golden rays of sunshine are actually visible.  The only bad thing about the sun shining is that pretty soon Utah is going to turn back into Lake Bonneville when the snow melts and all the rivers and lakes flood. Well, I’ve got a wetsuit and a plan to use our closet doors as rafts in case that happens.

Signing out.

I kind of fell a little bit--that's how i like to bowl.

Nice form.


  1. I'm going to start using the phrase "That's how I bowl" instead of "That's how I roll". So much cooler. You should copyright that..

  2. Aw, I was hoping for video of Abby dancing!


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